Conversion after abandoning baskets – incentives to complete checkout

Reading time: 5 perc

Abandoned baskets are a problem webshop operators are way too familiar with. Two out of three people leave midway through transaction. Though the numbers are dire, there’s still hope. If you apply these widely used on-site and off-site techniques in e-commerce, you can score the points by dunking these purchases and reach spectacular success.

The average basket abandonment rate is 69,57%, but the figures on your webshop might be even more shocking

Among mobile browsers this figure is even higher, and in view of the fact that more and more people shop on their phones means huge numbers of abandoned baskets. This constitutes a tremendous loss in revenue for webshop owners. In one of our earlier articles, we have dug into the reasons for deserting baskets and gave suggestions on certain changes you can make to your webshop that can improve these current statistics. (see your Google Analytics account: Conversions – >> Electronic commerce – >>Consumer behavior – >>Basket abandonment in %)

In this article, we’ll follow on this path and find solutions to convert these abandoned baskets. In other words, how to get the customer to return to their shopping basket and purchase the previously selected items. 


Rescuing abandoned baskets – personalized, automatic follow-up e-mails

As vendors, our job is to make sure our customers are sufficiently stimulated. Our marketing has to ensure (among other things) that the item the customers have their eyes on (meaning they’ve already viewed) or have placed in the basket pops up in front of them again and again. 

In case of abandoned baskets an attractive and efficient reminder may be an automated follow-up e-mail. Cost efficiency is a clear advantage, while the fact that you must have the e-mail address of your visitor is a drawback. In other words, you can only apply this method in the case of registered customers. 

What is a good follow-up letter like? 

  1. Catchy subject, grabs attention with a punchy headline, for example: [NAME], ooops, you forgot your clothes. (clothing shop)
    [NAME], did you really leave without your laptop? (electronics)
    Uh oh [NAME], haven’t you forgotten something?
    [NAME], you’re coming back to get these, right?
    [NAME], don’t go now, you’re almost there!
  2. You can remind your customers about what they’ve left in their baskets with photos and descriptions of the products.
  3. You can include a link directly to the basket so that they can continue shopping from exactly where they’ve left off.  
  4. Optional: you can include gift incentives, such as a free delivery voucher on orders placed in the following 72 hours (for single use or unlimited use before expiration).
  5. You can include ratings and reviews on the items left in the basket to boost trust and decision making, by conveying the strengths and value of the given products.

Rescuing deserted baskets – with Google and Facebook retargeting ads

Realistically, we don’t have the email addresses of most shoppers who desert their baskets.  Luckily, we still have some tools to resort to, and with the help of tracking codes we can target the “forgetful” owners of the given baskets. 

The basis of these tracking codes is that Google and Facebook collect data with the help of codes they place on webshops, and when you launch a campaign, they identify and target users through them.  

Launch retargeted ads on the networks of Facebook and Goodle Display that display images as reminders of the items left behind in the baskets. The undeniable advantage of Display ads is that they can reach the visitors of your webshop anywehere, even while reading an article or browsing the weather forecast.


Facebook remarketing and Google remarketing are very similar. While saying this, it’s well worth using them both at the same time, so that your ads appear to the same customer on Facebook, Intagram and Google Display network too. This way the sway is greater to actually complete the purchase. 


You can try different settings and conditions in Facebook ads management. In this thought-provoking example, you’ll see the different promotions we can “bombard” the customers with, depending on how complete the shopping process is.


  • Target audience – Add to cart users (one item in the basket)
  • Time window – 14 Days (during 14 days)
  • Offer: free delivery voucher


  • Audience – Initiate Checkout Users (users who have started the payment and check out process)
  • Time window – 28 Days
  • Offer: free delivery + gift voucher in a given amount. (Minimum 1000 Ft)

Conclusion – turn basket abandonment into an opportunity

Since 70% of online baskets are abandoned, there is a tremendous opportunity for improvement in e-commerce – and even more importantly – your webshop. View basket abandonment as an opportunity, as with the strategy we spoke about you can basically run after the customer and tap them on the shoulder saying: “Do you like the product? Don’t forget to take it with you!”

In conclusion, you should focus on two things to reduce your basket abandonment rate. Above all, focus on the on-site solutions offered to make sure everything works smoothly in your webshop: 

  • exit pop offer (give us your e-mail address to get a personalized free delivery voucher)
  • customer service chat on the basket page 
  • fast and hassle-free check-out process 
  • smooth coupon processing system
  • multiple payment methods 
  • multiple methods of receipt (in-person if possible).

If you’ve got this down, set up your basket abandonment tracking – and conversion strategy with the help of what you’ve read here. 

Regardless of where you start from, even if it is with the automatic e-mail reminder sent on the day after basket abandonment, you’ll see your efforts pay off nicely in the statistics.

Picture of Válóczy Edina

Válóczy Edina

PR és kommunikációs szakember, szárnyait próbálgató dropshipper. Éppúgy hisz a történetmesélés erejében, mint az adatvezérelt digitális marketing szemléletben.

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