Webshippy wins Innovation Prize

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Webshippy won the Special Startup Innovation Prize, one of the most prestigious Hungarian acknowledgments in the field of innovation. The prize is awarded by the Ministry for Innovation and Technology, together with the committee working in unison with the presidency of the Association for Innovation. The award ceremony was held on 28 March in the House of Parliament.

We are proud to announce that Webshippy has received major recognition once more! The Hungarian Association for Innovation awards companies who achieved ground-breaking developments in their own fields every year. Innovations, translate into better results in practice. This year, Webshippy is a member of this illustrious circle too. The prize was handed over to András Perényi, co-founder and CEO of Webshippy Fulfillments.


The Hungarian Association for Innovation is a professional – and employers’ advocacy organization with innovation in the center of its activity, as an economical booster. They are affiliated with several ministries, universities, research centers and companies like GE, BorsodChem, T-Systems or SIEMENS. Each year the award is granted by a jury appointed by the advisory board. The president of the committee is the Minister for Innovation. 

Our team is honored to be recognized as such a cutting-edge start-up by the most prominent actors of the Hungarian market.  

The prize was handed over by László Palkovics, Minister for Innovation and Information, along with László Pakucs, the honorary president of the Hungarian Association for Innovation.

Earlier Startup Innovation category winners were:

  • 2017 – Shapr3D, for a 3D design application 
  • 2016 – Arenim Technologies for CryptTalk, a call encryption service  
  • 2015 – AImotive Informatikai Kft. for the development of AImotive aiDrive 

“Innovation for me is fusing solutions already found in our environment in a way that creates new solutions to existing challenges. “András Perényi, CEO

Our mission is to help online commercial businesses grow and reach their goals by providing our outsourced logistics service. Our information platform connects webshops, invoicing and delivery companies, and manages all order fulfillment activity of an online shop better than ever before.

The developers at Webshippy were dissatisfied with the state of fulfillment in Hungary, which is what spurred them to develop a service that they, as webshop owners, would expect to have. The company has increased the number of its employees in 2018 from 5 to 22. Its customer base skyrocketed from 15 to nearly 200 and they delivered 40 000 packages monthly in the end of the year period.


We are grateful for the enthusiasm and commitment of  our team. This energy is what enabled us to realize our – and others, the webshop owners- dream: to help them succeed in their businesses. We thank our customers for trusting us with outsourcing their logistics and walking on the path on our side – the path of innovation in Hungarian e-commerce.

Thank you for the acknowledgement and we are determined to continue down this road in 2019!

Picture of Gergő Benedek

Gergő Benedek

Startup-kommunikációs szakértő, sharing economy evangelista. 2002 óta blogol, nyughatatlanul kutatja a leginnovatívabb témákat és platformokat.

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